Amal Totkay aka how to grow

For someone who loves to collect Pinterest lists on anything and everything (habits, songs, books, movies, etiquette; anything!) to never look at again, Amal Totkay was a treat, and this blog too because I have never had it in me to sit down and reflect on all those lists! and top it off with the use of an Urdu word and I am sold! Amal for the wim! (win)
Coming to the totkay, these are the tips that are supposed to help us in shifting our mindset from a fixed one to a growth-oriented one. There are 5 in total! We will look at them one by one;
1.Self-Talk! We are all acquainted with that voice inside our mind that keeps telling us things we rarely ask for, and the minute you start feeling like you might need it, it vanishes. Just like that! But the thing is we must train this voice to be on our side. We need it on our side because most often than not we end up believing whatever it says and because it decides to show us everything wrong rather than all that is right, we are always in self-doubt. A couple of things that I have come across that help controlling it are a) affirmations and b) being mindful of this voice and trying to question it as soon as it starts on the negative trail.
2.Get out of your comfort zone! Doitdoitdoit, but how? they always talk about getting out of comfort zones because only then you can grow but never tell you how! Let me tell you, DO NOT THINK too much. Just do it, unless it is something you are doing out of anger, in that case, DON’T! But if you reflect a little bit on this, the more you think about something the more time you lose and the more you would want to back out! So like we say at Amal #JustStart.
3.Create new habits! but I do not have time for hobbies! ah, well as Elizabeth Gilbert put it, hobbies are a great way to tell yourself that you are not a robot. Hobbies let you have a ‘me’ time, they are a great opportunity for self-reflection and getting away from the race we call modern life. Now, how will they help you grow? a) your perspective towards life shifts! life is not following a set pattern, when you start doing different things, getting to know about them broadens your perspective! and b) I have experienced it quite often that the more things you do and know the more interconnected everything becomes, in other words, they can always help you with the other aspects of your life e.g. job (wink).
4.Ask people help! (you might want to yell at yourself for this one) Okay so we realize it can be hard but Ek Aur Ek Gyara anytime. I believe if you have not learned it by now, you have not found a good team yet! So just keep looking because it is an experience you absolutely have to have. Other than that, look for those people around you whom you can trust with your mind. How will it help? Your communication, your knowledge, our perspective, everything will be better, trust! Oh and a tip on who can that be, think about people who are kind before they are critical! But they have to be both!

5.Fake it till you make it! This is my personal favorite (mostly because it reminds me of one of my favorite characters), but it is also something I have tested and IT WORKS! if you are not feeling confident about something, think about what would a character do! by now I have inculcated so many characters into my personality that sometimes even I do not know if it is real or faking it! So, yeah when in trouble, think about what needs to be done and if you are not that person, pretend that you are (because no one knows who you are!).
So yes, I have experienced and implemented all of these (or at least I have tried to) but something I would start working on immediately after this is creating habits because I really need to build that self-discipline and there are so many things that I want to do it is overwhelming (Plath much?). Until next time!
P.S. if you’ve got some time and are up for a movie do check out This Beautiful Fantastic, it covers a bit of all these tips except maybe the last one.